Fall has always been my most favorite time of year... scarves, boots, football games, holidays, and pumpkin everything! A year ago, I started my third trimester and I was anxiously awaiting Jude's due date. I remember imagining trips home for the holidays, Jude and I spending our days going to pumpkin patches, and doing all the fall activties I love. Though we have been able to do some of those activities, most of our days are unlike anything I ever imagined. I never imagined my fall days would be spent with Jude in therapy, planning his next surgery with his doctors/specialists, purchasing special vests and legs braces so he can learn to sit and stand, and trying new medicine to help his ever changing condition. As difficult and unexpected as it has been, some great things have happened. Now Fall will remind me of the first time Jude sat up. It will remind me of those chilly mornings we laid in bed under the covers and he would grab my face and kiss me. It will remind me of watching the pure joy on Jude's face as he played music in therapy for the first time. These fall memories are far greater than anything I could of ever imagined. Life has become so much more meaningful and exciting with Jude.