It has been a long time since I had an evening to sit down and type my experiences and thoughts about Jude. Life has been extremely busy since his emergency surgery in April. He has had a tight schedule with the six ER visits in only two months, too many doctors appointments to count, five therapies weekly, AND a surgery that included five minor procedures at once. Yet somehow Jude got through all of it even better! During this time, he has given me some of the best days of my life. For the first time, he said "mama" and now he says it over and over again to wake me up in the morning. 7:30 a.m. has never been so inviting :) Then just two weeks ago, he beat the odds and everyone's expectations and took his first steps. He is flourishing and happier than ever! It seems like from a medical stance, we have things under control. We will continue with the routine check-ups with his specialists. We have been focusing on his cognitive, motor, communication, and feeding skills. Not every therapy session or doctor appointment is easy. Sometimes the news or the unknown future can start to stir up unwanted anxiety. It is Jude laughing hysterically at Elmo or Mr. Bear, his voluntary hugs when I need them the most, and his pure joy with the simple things in life that cure all the negative feelings. I truly believe hardships, setbacks, and obstacles we encounter in life leave us with two options: give up or keep moving. Jude always keeps moving. Strength, perseverance, and always finding that faith despite your setbacks and troubles was never something I could of learned without the lessons my son has shown me on daily basis. Everyday we are stronger than yesterday, cherishing our time together today, and believing in a better tomorrow!
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